Gwen Jorgensen's Favorite Protein-Packed Egg Recipes

Gwen Jorgensen's Favorite Protein-Packed Egg Recipes

By Family Farm Team for Gwen Jorgensen
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Gwen Jorgensen's Favorite Protein-Packed Egg Recipes
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Fuel Like an Olympian

Ever wanted to try eating like an athlete? How about an Olympic gold medalist? You're in the right place: Gwen Jorgensen has shared some of her go-to protein-packed egg recipes with us. They help fuel her through her workouts, and they're sure to help you, too!

1. Breakfast Tacos

Even though these breakfast tacos are technically made for mornings, this is a popular lunch request for Gwen. She and her husband Pat love that this meal comes together in the blink of an eye, making it perfect for those busy days that seem to whiz by.

2. Egg Salad on Crackers

Gwen's signature egg salad is a sure winner for anyone who feels like they're constantly on the go. There are a few twists in this recipe - like full fat yogurt and carrots—that boost the nutritional value above and beyond any average egg salad.

3. Breakfast Oats with Poached Eggs

This is hands down Gwen’s meal of choice. She has oats for breakfast six times a week without tiring of them, all thanks to a years-old recipe that she's perfected. Topping the oats with a poached egg (or two!) adds calories, healthy fats, and additional protein, giving her adequate fuel to ace her morning workout.

4. Tortilla de Patatas

Gwen's tortilla de patatas recipe was inspired by the time she and her husband Pat spent in Spain. After learning the technique from a local chef, they took great pride in doing their best to recreate the dish back at home.

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