Beet-Pickled Deviled Eggs
Snacks & Apps

Beet-Pickled Deviled Eggs

by Family Farm Team
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Beet-Pickled Deviled Eggs
  • Snacks & Apps

Prep Time: 15-20 minutes

Cook Time: 12 hours (to brine)

Yield: 12 deviled egg halves

Ingredients Directions
  • Snacks & Apps

Prep Time: 15-20 minutes

Cook Time: 12 hours (to brine)

Yield: 12 deviled egg halves

Ingredients Directions

A sour, earthy beet and peppercorn brine adds more than just an explosive flavor to these pickled deviled eggs: it also turns them a dazzling shade of pink. This recipe is almost entirely hands off, meaning with minimal effort, you can have a showstopping appetizer platter or an easy work snack that garners envious glances from your coworkers.


  1. Pour pickled beets and juices into a large mason jar or bowl. Add apple cider vinegar, sugar, peppercorns, and salt. Stir mixture. Carefully (the beet juice will stain!) lower hard-boiled eggs into brine. Cover and refrigerate for at least 12 hours, or up to 3 days. The longer you leave them in the brine, the more sour and pink they will end up.
  2. Remove eggs from brine. Discard brine, then cut each egg in half and scoop out yolks. Place yolks in a medium bowl along with mustard, mayonnaise, curry powder, white vinegar, and olive oil.
  3. Using a fork, mash yolk mixture until smooth, adding a teaspoon or two of water if needed to loosen it up.
  4. Using a pastry bag or plastic bag with the corner cut off, pipe the yolk mixture back into the egg whites. Sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste and garnish with fresh dill or enjoy as is.
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