Tomato Egg Drop Soup
Snacks & Apps

Tomato Egg Drop Soup

by Omnivore's Cookbook
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Tomato Egg Drop Soup
  • Meals
  • Snacks & Apps

Prep Time: 5 Minutes

Cook Time: 10 Minutes

Yield: 4

Ingredients Directions
  • Meals
  • Snacks & Apps

Prep Time: 5 Minutes

Cook Time: 10 Minutes

Yield: 4

Ingredients Directions

The addition of chopped fresh tomatoes gives this Chinese egg drop soup a gorgeous hue and a boost of nutrients.

To make the slurry

  1. Combine the cornstarch, white pepper, salt, and 2 tablespoons of water in a small bowl. Whisk until cornstarch is completely dissolved. Set aside.

To make the soup

  1. Heat oil in a small pot over medium heat until hot. Add the garlic and ginger. Cook and stir for 30 seconds to release the fragrance.
  2. Add the tomato and white part of the green onion. Cook until the tomato is blistered, 2 to 3 minutes.
  3. Pour in the chicken broth. Increase heat to medium-high and bring to a boil. Decrease heat to low and let the soup reduce to a simmer.
  4. Stir the slurry again to dissolve the cornstarch. Swirl it into the soup and mix well with a spatula. The soup will thicken up once it reaches a simmer again. If you prefer a thicker soup, you can mix more cornstarch with water and add it to the soup 1 teaspoon of cornstarch with 1 tablespoon of water at a time.
  5. To add the eggs, hold a fork (or two chopsticks slightly apart) across the edge of the egg bowl, and drizzle the egg mixture slowly through the gaps into the soup. Let the eggs set for a few seconds, then stir gently to break up the egg into desired sized pieces.
  6. Drizzle soup with sesame oil and sprinkle with the green part of the green onion. Serve warm.
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